Sunday, 18 November 2012

MVOTD: Big Bang (Day 249)

I wanted to review a music video quickly today, so Big Bang's Blue it is. Blue is a ballady song in that it is slow, but it's not really a ballad. It's more just sad feeling, which is nice because that means it conveys that sad feeling. The music video consists mainly of the Big Bang members standing around in interesting scenery...while a Caucasian model who looks like a Korean Manwha character (The Queen's Knight) chases them around. 
The first minute features G-Dragon, and it is two minutes before you see a clear shot of TOP, so the music video is kind of frustrating. However, it sweetly features singing, Daesung gets decent face time, and G-Dragon's lightning jeans were nice. Also, I find it interesting when real people look just like manga/manhwa/manhua characters.
Big Bang's Blue is okay, but its caliber wouldn't defeat an SM music video.

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