Tuesday 17 January 2012

Battle of Heart 2 Heart (Day 132)

Today I was supposed to write a review of Skip-Beat's episode 5. Instead, you get a comparison of similarly named music videos today.

In March of 2011, 4Minute released their song Heart to Heart. Later, in October, American boyband Heart2Heart released their song Facebook Official. Now pop lovers have to, when talking about them, clarify if Heart to Heart is a group name or a song title. Oh the inconvienience! Since these two obviously then tread on each other's names so much, it's time for a comparison/music video battle.

4Minute - Heart to Heart

Plot: Five young women get revenge on a bad boyfriend when he starts to cheat on one of them, complete with flashbacks of the "good old days".
Costumes: Honestly, pretty bad. There are some nice outfits, and then there are the ones that misuse knits.
Dancing: Okay. Girl Groups aren't known for their dancing.
Song: Pretty good. The song is about something many people experience, regardless of age, so it can be considered relateable.
Other: The part where they fill the boyfriend's toothpaste with something gross, then look at the camera and laugh with funny arm motions is pretty hilarious. Also, the whole music video manages to be really cute despite that it's about revenge.

Heart2Heart - Facebook Official

Plot: Five guys singing to three young women (over the internet) about how they want to make the relationship official...on Facebook. They're so committed.
Costumes: Decent. 80% of the hairstyles fail, but the costumes are okay.
Dancing: Okay. Compared to K-pop, which Heart2Heart is based off of, their dancing is weak, but compared to North American boyband standards their dancing is fine. The funniest move is when they feel-up their chests and then turn their hands into hearts. It's just so wrong.
Song: Um...I can't take the song seriously. Maybe I could if I were 13, but I'm not that old anymore, and it's a little scary that committment could be equated to being "Facebook Official".
Other: The whole first minute makes one question whether Facebook Official is a parody. First there's the K-pop entrance, then the "Hey girl. It's Chad" intro, a Lance Bass cameo, and finally a rap styled after a certain late night comedy show. How can one not wonder if it's a parody with that line-up?

Assessment: As far as costumes go, the two groups tie. 4Minute had some bad costumes and Heart2Heart had some bad hair. Dancing was also a tie, maybe because for Heart2Heart's dance breakdown the guys did hand dancing...with no foot movement at all. The last tie was in the 'Other' category. Both music videos were ridiculous and had something original. When it came to plot though, 4Minute ruled with a plotline that doesn't make people over 15 nauseous. They also had a more relateable song. Therefore, 4Minute wins with the better music video.

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