Saturday 21 January 2012

MVOTD: U-Kiss (Day 134)

Today's Music Video of the Day is U-KISS's Tick Tack. Personally, I think it is worth a view just because Tick Tack is such a bad English name for a song, but don't let just that convince you. It also makes use of those awkward collared shirts with one un-matched sleeve. And...they have knee twitching dance moves.

As for other comments, since U-KISS is a kpop group, I assumed that the song would be in Korean. False. It's one of their Japanese songs. As soon as I heard "Bokura" I realized it. And not only that. I don't know if it's on purpose or not, but the guy in the mostly black shirt looks astonishingly like Taguchi Junnosuke from KAT-TUN, a popular Japanese pop group. This brings up the question, are they trying to look Japanese? Probably not, but they did try to make metallic fabric look cool. And, as a special touch, they tried to match grey shiny accent suits to white studded finger gloves. Mmmmmm. Kpop fashion is so much fun. Good try U-KISS.

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